唐锦平, 姚茜, 崔昆, 苏敬雅, 刘欣丽, 卢苇, 霍慧敏, 黄中恒, 韦正波, 谢莹. 小鼠颌下腺类器官辐射损伤模型的建立[J]. 广西医科大学学报, 2023, 40(6): 960-966. DOI: 10.16190/j.cnki.45-1211/r.2023.06.010
引用本文: 唐锦平, 姚茜, 崔昆, 苏敬雅, 刘欣丽, 卢苇, 霍慧敏, 黄中恒, 韦正波, 谢莹. 小鼠颌下腺类器官辐射损伤模型的建立[J]. 广西医科大学学报, 2023, 40(6): 960-966. DOI: 10.16190/j.cnki.45-1211/r.2023.06.010
Tang Jinping, Yao Xi, Cui Kun, Su Jingya, Liu Xinli, Lu Wei, Huo Huimin, Huang Zhongheng, Wei Zhengbo, Xie Ying. Establishment of radiation injury model of mouse submandibular gland organoids[J]. Journal of Guangxi Medical University, 2023, 40(6): 960-966. DOI: 10.16190/j.cnki.45-1211/r.2023.06.010
Citation: Tang Jinping, Yao Xi, Cui Kun, Su Jingya, Liu Xinli, Lu Wei, Huo Huimin, Huang Zhongheng, Wei Zhengbo, Xie Ying. Establishment of radiation injury model of mouse submandibular gland organoids[J]. Journal of Guangxi Medical University, 2023, 40(6): 960-966. DOI: 10.16190/j.cnki.45-1211/r.2023.06.010


Establishment of radiation injury model of mouse submandibular gland organoids

  • 摘要: 目的:本实验拟建立小鼠颌下腺(SMG)的类器官辐射损伤模型,为唾液腺辐射损伤修复相关研究提供模型支持。方法:取4周龄小鼠SMG组织利用胶原酶消化成单细胞悬液,接种于基质胶中培养并传代。利用倒置相差显微镜观察SMG类器官生长形态。组织包埋后通过免疫荧光技术检测细胞角蛋白(CK8)及水通道蛋白(AQP5)表达情况。采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定培养上清液中唾液淀粉酶(AMS)含量,利用电子直线加速器对小鼠SMG类器官模型进行不同剂量(0 Gy、5 Gy、10 Gy、15 Gy)的X线照射;通过ATP细胞活力试剂盒检测各组细胞活性。结果:小鼠SMG类器官呈类圆形球体生长,随着传代培养可见小叶结构形成。小鼠SMG类器官中CK8、AQP5染色阳性,细胞培养上清液中可检测到AMS表达,证实SMG类器官属腺上皮来源并具有分泌AMS功能。放射性照射使类器官增殖速度减慢,球体周围近似崩解形态。ATP细胞活力检测显示,细胞活力随着照射剂量的增加而下降(P< 0.05),照射剂量为10 Gy 时,细胞活力约为0 Gy 组的50%。结论:小鼠SMG类器官辐射损伤模型构建成功,且10 Gy为唾液腺辐射损伤修复相关研究的最适宜的放射剂量。


    Abstract: Objective:To establish a radiation injury model of mouse submandibular gland (SMG) organoids to provide support for the research on the repair of radiation injury of the salivary gland.Methods:The SMG tissue of 4-week-old mice was digested into single cell suspension by collagenase, and then the suspension was inoculated into Matrigel for culture and passage.The growth morphology of SMG was observed by inverted phase contrast microscope.The expressions of cytokeratin(CK8)and aquaporin(AQP5)were detected by immunofluorescence after tissue embedding.The content of salivary amylase (AMS) in the culture supernatant was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).The mouse SMG organoid model was irradiated with different doses(0 Gy、5 Gy、10 Gy、15 Gy)by electron linear accelerator.The cell viability of each irradiation dose group was detected by the ATP cell viability kit.Results:The mouse SMG organoids grew like round spheres, and the lobular structures were formed with the passage culture.CK8 and AQP5 staining were positive in mouse SMG organoids, and AMS expression was detected in the supernatant of cell culture, which confirmed that SMG organoids were derived from glandular epithelium and had the function of secreting AMS.Radiation slowed down the proliferation of organoids, and the shape around the sphere was approximately disintegrated.ATP cell viability detection showed that the cell viability decreased with the increase of irradiation dose (P< 0.05).When the irradiation dose was 10 Gy, the cell viability was about 50% of that of the 0 Gy group.Conclusion:The mouse SMG organoid model is successfully established, and 10 Gy is the most appropriate radiation dose for the research on the repair of radiation injury of salivary gland.


